Welcome to Lilly Development Partners LLC
* ”Transactional ecosystem” sounds kind of nerdy, eh? Well, what it means is the ways your various systems and technologies handle payments or exchange of value (or, as the case may be, the way they don’t handle payments). The Transaction & Payment industry is changing quickly and has a great deal of significant, new, disruptive, and personal ways-to-pay. Many of these technologies are mobile enabled, but most are not connected to each other or your accounting system. These innovations and disruptions are just the start of a flood of new technology options and payment systems. Led by the explosion in the use of smart phones and tablets, the daily opportunity to pay another way is accelerating - and the financial benefits can be enormous if you’re ready to take advantage of the ways a customer prefers to pay. On the flip side the PCI change and the switch to EMV cards has already increased every sites liability for credit card fraud. One word of advice “Plan”!
Don’t Panic! Give us a call - we are well informed on the issues and solutions.
Lets talk Ecosystems and Guest Engagement
We established Lilly Development Partners to collaborate with our clients in enhancing revenues, improving processes, perfecting technology, your operating ecosystems* and guest engagement**.
Our Partners are specialists in these technologies that impact revenue systems, such as Cashless Payment, Ticketing, Point of Sale, Party & Event Bookings and Online systems, as well as the technologies that support operations of the out-of-home entertainment industry: Digital Signage, Surveillance, Food & Beverage, Admissions, Lockers and WiFi Networks. We have extensive experience finding new revenues, simplifying processes, helping identify fraud, and managing projects from a basic concept, through planning and deployment, and into use at a park, FEC, event or attraction. We focus on the details, but never lose sight of our clients’ goals and your customers’ satisfaction.
Honesty, trust, keeping our word, and valuing personal relationships and commitments are the four cornerstones on which our company is built.
Partners LLC
Kansas City, USA
+1.913.499.9939 V
+1.913.649.2698 F
SKYPE: LillyDevelopment
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